How to stop Bad Reviews taking over!

Step 1. Audit your Online Review Presence

Gain valuable insight into your business by viewing it from the customer’s perspective.  Do you…


of customers consider reviews the most crucial part
of the purchase decision


of customers said better reviews have driven them
to purchase a higher-priced option.

Step 2. Automate your Online Reviews

Evaluate your business practices and reflect on your actions.  Ask yourself if you…


of customers will leave a review if asked by an employee


of customers look at online reviews weekly
Step 3. Reap the benefits

Online reviews can significantly enhance how customers perceive your business.  They will..


of customer check Google Business Profiles for online reviews first before visiting a business


of all Online Reviews are hosted by Google
So you want more .. then

Feel free to download our complimentary eBook! It goes into even greater depth and provides valuable insights.

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2 - Select a Time

After you select a date, you will se a list of available time slots for that day. Make sure
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3 - Fill in your Details

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How to stop Bad Reviews taking over!

Step 1. Audit your Online Review Presence
Gain valuable insight into your business by viewing it from the customer’s perspective.  Do you…


of customers will take no action until they have read a review


increase in customer spend if a Business has excellent reviews

Step 2. Automate your Online Reviews
Evaluate your business practices and reflect on your actions.  Ask yourself if you…


of customers read at least 4 reviews before purchasing


of customers will leave a review if asked 
by an employee

Step 3. Reap the benefits

Online reviews can significantly enhance how customers perceive your business.  They will..


of customers are willing to pay higher prices for products that have good reviews


of customers research products online
before going in-store

So you want more .. then

Feel free to download our complimentary eBook! It goes into even greater depth and provides valuable insights.

Book A Call Today

To get started right away, simply book an appointment!

1 - Select a Date

Click on any date. You cannot book an appointment for the same day.

2 - Select a Time

After you select a date, you will se a list of available time slots for that day. Make sure to double check the time zone.

3 - Fill in your Details

Provide us with your details so we can send you a reminder and meeting time.